AISI 310S1.4845 – UNS S31008

Excellent resistance to oxidation under mildly cyclic conditions through 2000°F characterizes 310. Because of its high chromium and medium nickel contents, 310 has good resistance to sulfidation and other forms of hot corrosion. 310 is widely used in moderately carburizing atmospheres such as encountered in petrochemical environments. Often in many product forms, the grain size […]

Titanium Gr. 23.7034 – UNS R50400 – Ti50A

Titanium equipment is often used in severe corrosive environments encountered in the chemical processing industries. Titanium has been considered an exotic wonder metal by many people. This was particularly true in reference to castings. However, increasing demands and rapidly advancing technology have permitted titanium castings to be commercially available at an economical cost. The combination […]

Titanium Gr. 5 3.7165 – UNS R56400 – Ti6Al6V

Titanium equipment is often used in severe corrosive environments encountered in the chemical processing industries. Titanium has been considered an exotic wonder metal by many people. This was particularly true in reference to castings. However, increasing demands and rapidly advancing technology have permitted titanium castings to be commercially available at an economical cost. The combination […]

Titanium Gr. 7 3.7235 – UNS R52400 – Ti2Pd

Titanium equipment is often used in severe corrosive environments encountered in the chemical processing industries. Titanium has been considered an exotic wonder metal by many people. This was particularly true in reference to castings. However, increasing demands and rapidly advancing technology have permitted titanium castings to be commercially available at an economical cost. The combination […]

17.4PH®1.4542 – UNS S17400 – X5CrNiCuNb 16 4

17-4 PH® alloy is a martensitic precipitation-hardening stainless stee with Cu and Nb/Cb additions, that provides an outstanding combination of high strength, good corrosion resistance, good mechanical properties at temperatures up to 600°F (316°C), good toughness in both base metal and welds, and short-time, low-temperature heat treatments that minimize warpage and scaling. This versatile material […]

SUPERDUPLEX SAF®25071.4410 – UNS S32750 – X2CrNiMoN 25 7 4

Super Duplex alloy UNS S32750 (F53 / 1.4410 / 32750 / Alloy 2507) has excellent corrosion resistance to a wide variety of media, with outstanding resistance to pitting and crevice corrosion in seawater and other chloride containing environments, with Critical Pitting Temperature exceeding 50°C. UNS S32750 (F53 / 1.4410 / Alloy 32750) exhibits a low […]

AISI 316TI1.4571 – UNS S631635 – X6CrNiMoTi 17 12 2

Type 316 is an austenitic chromium-nickel stainless steel containingmolybdenum. This addition increasesgeneral corrosion resistance, improvesresistance to pitting from chloride ionsolutions, and provides increased strength at elevated temperatures. Properties are similar to those of Type 304except that this alloy is some what stronger at elevated temperatures.Corrosion resistance is improved, particularly against sulfuric, hydrochloric,acetic, formic and tartaric […]

AISI 317L1.4438 – UNS S31703 – X2CrNiMo 18 16 4

317L is a molybdenum bearing austenitic chromium nickel steel similar to type 316:, except the alloy content in 317L is somewhat higher.  It hassuperior corrosion resistance in special applications where it is desired to reduce contamination to a minimum. 317L was developed primarily to resistmore effectively the attack of sulfurous acid compounds.  However, its proven […]

AISI 3211.4541/1.4878 – UNS S32100 – X6CrNiTi 18 10

Type 321 is a stabilized austenitic stainless steel similar to Type 304 but with a titanium addition of at least five times the carbon content. This titanium addition reduces or prevents carbide precipitation during welding and in 800 – 1500F(427 – 816C) service. It also improves the elevated temperature properties ofthe alloy. Type 321 provides […]

AISI 3471.4550 – UNS S34700 – X6CrNiNb 18 10

Similar to 321 stainless, 347 uses Columbium as a stabilizing element to maximize its principal feature: resistance to intergranular corrosion. It can be used in applications requiring repeated heating in the range of 800 and 1650ºF (427-899ºC). 347 is a general purpose austenitic stainless steel with a face centered cubic structure. It is essentially non-magnetic […]

AISI 347H1.4550 – UNS S34709 – X7CrNiNb 18 11

These type of stainless is austenitic chromium steel containing columbium. They are recommended for parts fabricated by welding which cannot be subsequently annealed. These types also are used for parts which are intermittently heated and cooled to temperatures between 800 and 1600ºF. The addition of columbium produces a stabilized type of stainless that eliminates carbide […]

URANUS® B6 – 904L1.4539 – N08904 – X1NiCrMoCuN 25 20 5

904L® alloy (UNS N08904) is an austenitic stainless steel alloy designed for a middle to high level of corrosion resistance. The alloy contains high levels of chromium and nickel with additions of molybdenum and copper to provide added corrosion resistance in certain media. The alloy is produced to low carbon levels for use in the […]

SUPERDUPLEX ZERON®100 1.4501 – UNS S32760 – X2CrNiMoCuWn 25 7 4

Super Duplex Alloy UNS S32760 (F55 / 1.4501) has excellent corrosion resistance to a wide variety of media, with outstanding resistance to pitting and crevice corrosion in seawater and other chloride containing environments, with Critical Pitting Temperature exceeding 50°C.Providing higher strength than both austenitic and 22% Cr Duplex Stainless Steels UNS S32760 (F55) is suited […]

AL6XN®UNS N08367

AL6XN® alloy (UNS N08367) is a low carbon, high purity, nitrogen-bearing “super-austenitic” stainless alloy. The AL-6XN® alloy was designed to be a seawater resistant material and has since been demonstrated to be resistant to a broadrange of very corrosive environments. The high strength and corrosion resistance of the AL-6XN® alloy make it a better choice […]

INCONEL® 718 – 2.4668 – UNS N07718

Inconel alloy 718® is a high-strength, corrosion-resistant nickel chromium material used at -423º to 1300ºF (-217º to 704ºC). The age-hardenable alloy can be readily fabricated, even into complex parts. Its welding characteristics, especially its resistance to postweld cracking, are oustanding. The ease and economy with which Inconel® alloy 718 can be fabricated, combined with good […]

INCOLOY® 800HT1.4959 – UNS N08811 – X8NiCrAlTi 32 21

Incoloy 800 is widely used in equipment that must have high strength and resistance to oxidation, carburisation and other harmful effects of high temperature exposure. For service requiring optimum creep and rupture properties, Incoloy 800H or 800 HT are used. The high contents of nickel and chromium in the alloys also give good corrosion resistance. […]

INCOLOY® 8252.4858 – UNS N08825 – NiCr21Mo

INCOLOY® alloy 825 (UNS N08825/W.Nr. 2.4858) is a nickel-iron-chromium alloy with additions of molybdenum, copper, and titanium. is designed to provide exceptional resistance to many corrosive environments. The nickel content is sufficient for resistance to chloride-ion stress-corrosion cracking. The nickel, in conjunction with the molybdenum and copper, also gives outstanding resistance to reducing environments such […]

HASTELLOY® B32.4600 – UNS N10675 – NiMo 29 Cr

B3 Alloy is an additional member of the nickel-molybdenum family of alloys with excellent resistance to hydrochloric acid at all concentrations and temperatures. It also with stands sulfuric, acetic, formic and phosphoric acids, and other non oxidizing media. B3 Alloy has a special chemistry designed to achieve a level of thermal stability greatly superior to […]

HASTELLOY® C42.4610 – UNS N06455 – NiMo16Cr16Ti

Hastelloy C4® alloy is a nickel-chromium-molybdenum alloy with outstanding high-temperature stability as evidenced by high ductility and corrosion resistance even after aging in the 1200 to 1900ºF (649 to 1038ºC) range. Hastelloy C4® alloy can be forged, hot-upset and impact extruded. Although the alloy tends to work-harden, it can be succesfully deep-drawn, spun, press formed […]

HASTELLOY® C222.4602 – UNS N06022 – NiCr21Mo14W

Hastelloy C-22® alloy is a versatile nickel-chromium-molybdenum-tungsten alloy with better overall corrosion resistance than other Ni-Cr-Mo alloys available, including C-276 and C-4 alloys and alloy 625. C-22 alloy has exceptional resistance to a wide variety of chemical process environments, including strong oxidizers such as ferric and cupric chlorides, chlorine, hot contaminated solutions (organic and inorganic), […]